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Adventure into Self: Finding Strength and Sisterhood in Change

AUGUST 22nd -29th, 2024

If you’re an active and adventurous middle-aged woman who is ready to strengthen your relationship with the natural world, gain a deeper understanding of your changing body, and find a deep, lasting sisterhood, then join us for a sea kayaking expedition that will give you all the clarity and self-empowerment you need to truly thrive.

You are sitting quietly on the edge of the water as the sun rises into the morning sky. You can’t help but smile as you look about you, greeted by curious seals and the call of a loon. Above you, a bald eagle sits perched high up on a branch, a sentinel, a hunter eyeing its next meal.

Your fellow sisters silently join you in this space of wonder, to begin the day with a guided meditation. As you slowly settle into your body, connecting to the breath and the surrounding wilderness, you ground into presence; distractions slowly slipping away.

As you meditate under an open sky, you welcome in simplicity. With the warmth of the emerging sun on your cheeks you feel your heart expand and begin to understand that this time of midlife transformation no longer needs to be defined by fear. Like the unpeeling of an onion, layer by layer, you start to understand that, like a caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly, you are only at the beginning of stepping into your greatest power ever.


Two happy and empowered women smiling together, forming a strong bond


  • You get excited about the idea of traveling to marine wild places on the BC West Coast.


  • You desire to belong to a community of adventurous women with whom you can be your authentic self.


  • You are beyond ready to gain a deeper understanding of how to best support your body during these (peri-)menopausal years.


  • You long to find time to reconnect with the natural world so that you can feel more peaceful.


  • You love to be playful and create an inclusive environment that welcomes ridiculousness.


If you answered YES to these, then this sea kayaking expedition was made especially with YOU in mind…

Benefits 1




During the Wild Woman Awakening, as you travel through wild places, quietly listen to fellow sisters in daily circles, and belly laugh during team building challenges, you will develop lifelong friendships so you can feel like a part of a community.





A woman standing by the water enjoying the freedom of
Women paddling together, enjoying the camaraderie and adventure of kayaking"


On this paddling adventure, as you sea kayak the west coast of British Columbia and reconnect with the natural world you will feel more grounded so that you can return home rejuvenated and empowered.

Photo by Renee Baron


During our wilderness immersion, as you play, collaborate, and create an inclusive environment that welcomes ridiculousness, you will begin to reconnect with your inner child so that you can bring more levity to your daily life.

Two women embracing each other in a beautiful natural setting, expressing love and friendship

Photo by Renee Baron

A woman expressing her love and gratitude making a heart sign with her hands

On this journey of exploration, you will participate in sessions led by a knowledgeable naturopathic physician who will provide an in-depth understanding of how to best support your body during these (peri-)menopausal years, leaving you with a transformed mindset regarding this next life stage.

Demystifying Menopause

This is a unique and incredible addition to the sea kayaking expedition experience. In the context of a beautiful wilderness setting, Dr Lyndsey Nabata will help you to further understand your transforming body. 

During these afternoon sessions with your inclusive gaggle of sisters, she will demystify menopause and offer valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about how to move forward. 

For many of us, (Peri-)Menopause is defined by fear, sadness, confusion, and pain. Imagine the sense of empowerment you will feel equipped with more knowledge, a community of like minded sisters, and opportunities that honor your active, authentic, and transforming self.



Welcome to the Sunshine Coast!

The Powell Lake Outdoor Learning Centre is an excellent place for you to begin (and end) your Wild Woman Awakening journey. With this beautiful site all to ourselves, we will become acquainted with one another and take care of any last minute preparations for the upcoming sea kayaking expedition. 

Set on the shores of Powell Lake, this off-the-grid center offers simple, modern, and clean cabin accommodations. These shared spaces provide bunk and single beds. Private bathrooms and showers are found attached to the main lodge. The center has a summer camp feel in its layout and structure, designed to bring people together within a stunning natural setting.

17_OLC Forest Boardwalk 2 (1)
20_OLC Viewpoint


Welcome to Desolation Sound!

Adventurous women sea kayaking on serene ocean water, along the shoreline

Contrary to its name, Desolation Sound is a place of abundance. Rich with wildlife and a fascinating history, it has been the home of the Tla’amin, Klahoose, and Homalco First Nations since time immemorial. As you skirt the shoreline taking in the vibrant greens and oranges of coastal forests, imagine the many villages and people that at one time inhabited these lands.




It is a place of interweaving narratives, a kaleidoscope of indigenous and settler stories. It is an opportunity to connect with the natural environment more deeply, to become part of the landscape. As an active outdoor enthusiast, your cultural awareness will expand as you experience first-hand how nature shapes daily existence.

Happy women sitting by a beach fire
Two sea kayaks floating on the edge of a beach in Desolation Sound

We will begin and end our sea kayaking journey in the small fishing village of Lund. A go-with-the-flow mindset is essential when adventuring in remote outdoor environments such as the Sound because weather and sea state will greatly influence the shape of the day. We will set up camp in different locations, staying at each site for one or two nights.

Desolation Sound is a fantastic place for wilderness immersion and a great place for stepping into the next chapter of your life. Together with your sisters you will gaze up into a clear star-filled sky … or weather pending, converse under the tarp with a cup of steaming hot chocolate. Paddling the waterways, you will embody the clarity you have been seeking, and begin to make more sense of how to move forward.

A purple and red ochre sea

Meals Made with Love

A delicious salmon dinner made outdoors

While on trip, be prepared to work with delicious and wholesome ingredients. With the help of your guides, you will prepare homemade nourishing anti-inflammatory meals that are great for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike! And don’t you worry, there is no processed food on this trip! The delightful, locally sourced meals are made with your wellbeing in mind.


Envision starting your day eating avocado toast made with local whole grain sourdough, topped with savory seeds alongside scrambled eggs, blueberries and yogurt. As you sit on the beach in the evening, imagine eating a dinner of whole grain ramen topped with a Thai red curry broth, proteins and vegetables. YUM! 



These curated high-fiber dishes use healthy fats, whole grains, and minimal refined sugars to support your digestive health. As we move forward in age, digestion tends to slow down and we experience bodily changes. To manage these transformations, it is helpful to review our diet as part of our long-term aging plan. So why not start this food journey in the company of new friends in the great outdoors?!



A delicious breakfast of avocado, scrambled egg, and sourdough bread
Chocolate dessert adorned with a cedar branch

Can’t eat this or that? Vegan, vegetarian, gluten or dairy-free? No problem – we’re happy to accommodate your food preference as long as you tell us in advance.



Finding Strength and Sisterhood in Change

This journey is about RECONNECTING with your INNER POWER Surrounded by compassionate mentors and like-minded sisters, you are stepping into a space of belonging. Each activity offered is an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with your transforming body, both physically and psychologically. Through GREATER PRESENCE, SKILL BUILDING and KNOWLDEGE ACQUISITION, you will FIND STRENGTH AND SISTERHOOD IN CHANGE.


When you arrive at the Powell Lake Outdoor Center you will not only meet your radiant hostess, mentor and certified sea kayak guide extraordinaire, Renee Baron, but also our special guest, Lyndsey Nabata, a naturopathic physician and menopause expert. 


This is a time for connecting and taking care of last minute details. After dinner, you will have an opportunity to settle into your basic and modern shared cabins.


The evening will conclude together around a fire; the first evening circle of our trip.

Meals included: Dinner


Exploration and wildlife viewing are the primary focus on the water. Keeping in mind that we are moving with the weather and group flow, the following plan is tentative. The general goal is to be traveling on the water (including breaks, lunch, wildlife viewing and bio breaks) for about 4 - 6 hours. We will likely have three different camps during this trip, depending on weather, wildlife sightings, and group interests.


Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner


DAYS 3-6

The only difference on day 7 is that we will be finishing our trip. Once we return to Lund, and have worked as a team to take care of all the cleaning needs, we will return to the Powell Lake Outdoor Center where we can take a long awaited shower. After our final banquet, we will close our journey with a celebratory evening circle.


Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner



After a nutritious breakfast, we will carpool to Lund where we will meet our kayaks, pack, and learn basic paddling skills. Unless the weather conditions dictate otherwise, we will depart from here and begin the paddling journey north. 


When we arrive at the marine campsite, the group will work together to safely bring boats above the high tide line. Once the guides have provided a site orientation, the evening will consist of  finding time for both self and group needs.  Our daily community circle will conclude our evening.


Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner



  • Guided Meditation & Cold Plunge

  • Coffee & Tea

  • Camp chores, tent set-up, personal/ self-care time

  • Breakfast

  • Traveling on water

  • Camp chores, tent set-up, personal time

  • Demystifying Menopause & Appetizers

  • Dinner

  • Evening Circle

  • Personal time


The following morning, after breakfast and one final goodbye, we will part ways. 


Meals included: Breakfast

Lea M

Calgary, Alberta

Two happy and empowered women smiling together, forming a strong bond
"On my journey with Renee, I saw an example of leadership and mentorship that I wanted to emulate. As an instructor, she showed me how to come alongside someone and help them draw their own conclusions, knowing the answers were within.  Also, without making others feel lesser than, she would gently instruct the skills needed to kayak and navigate."

Still not sure if this adventure is for you...

Adventurous women sea kayaking on serene ocean water surrounded by mountains"
Two women exploring and reading a chart of Desolation Sound
On our adventure together you will take your wilderness camping to the next level learning skill such as...
  • tarpology (the art of setting up tarps)
  • chart reading
  • basic risk assessment
  • outdoor cooking
  • self-care tricks and more
....all with the support of patient and kind mentors.


Photo by Renee Baron

You will feel more valued, heard, and in-control of your life....


  • During our inclusive evening community circles

  • practicing respectful conflict resolution strategies

  • actively working together to create a positive group culture



Group of happy and empowered women smiling together, forming a strong bond"
A happy adventurous woman sea kayaking on the ocean

You will develop tangible self-care strategies so that you can return home restored and empowered to better support yourself by...


  • meditating daily

  • engaging the senses in tranquil natural settings 

  • learning about women's health from a professional

  • reconnecting with your authentic self by embracing your vulnerabilities

  • surrounding yourself with a supportive all-female tribe


Photo by Renee Baron

Your hosts!

Renee Baron smiling at the foot of an old Douglas Fir tree

Renee Baron

Facilitator, mentor & guide

Once I realized that much of what I was experiencing physically (and let’s be frank, psychologically too) was related to this new life stage, I knew I had hit a turning point. I could begin to make sense as to why my body was changing and not responding the same way to my active pursuits as it had once done. Also, I felt like my identity was transforming… and continues to. 

But what I know now is that this thing that all of us women are guaranteed to go through, doesn’t need to be as enigmatic and scary as it has traditionally been presented. And if we are ALL going to go through it (or currently in the throes of it all), why are we doing it on our own? And if our psychological and physical health play such a huge role in how we experience the menopausal transition, wouldn’t you like to know early on so that you can set yourself up for success? It is time we take ownership of our own bodies and create a new reality where we are strengthened through accurate knowledge, sisterhood, and community awareness.

A number of years ago, I started trail running. I loved every aspect of it, relishing in the athletic and psychological challenge, enjoying quality girlfriend time, and exploring new places. Then suddenly my ankle began to ache. What I thought would take a couple of weeks has now turned into 3+ years of not being able to run. It has been devastating. 


Then one day, my massage therapist suggested that some of my activity choices may no longer be good for me. Initially, I was appalled at the idea but, upon further reflection, I began to let her words sink in. My body was obviously telling me something that I didn’t want to hear: stop what I was doing or find effective modifications. Bottom line, things needed to change.


Although I had heard of embodiment before, I didn’t really understand what this meant until I had multiple athletic pursuits “taken away” from me. So, I started to listen and ask questions. I began to observe through meditation and  reflect during forest walks. I became an active reader and engaged in meaningful conversation. And one of the biggest pieces I began learning about is…yes, drum roll please… (peri-)menopause. 

Shift Adventure and Wellness logo

We are so lucky to have Lyndsey joining us. Besides being a lovely adventurous human, she comes to us as a Naturopathic Doctor with a focus in women's health, burnout and digestive health. With a holistic approach, she empowers women to achieve optimal wellness through personalized care. 

Dr. Lyndsey Nabata sitting in the forest checking out some fascinating fungi
Dr. Lyndsey Nabata

Naturopathic Doctor

She is passionate about naturopathic medicine because it enables her to integrate her love for active living and nature into her practice, promoting holistic wellness for others.  Committed to lifelong learning, Dr. Lyndsey delivers compassionate care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. 


Welcome Lyndsey!

Terracentric Coastal Adventures Logo

I have been working with Terracentric Coastal Adventures for years now as an outdoor educator, programmer and sea kayak guide. The owners, Christine Hollman and Hugh Prichard, are top notch humans, deeply committed to community building. 

We are working together to bring the Wild Woman Awakening to life. They are providing infrastructure to this vision, support for which I am eternally grateful.

“As our business name implies, we believe that all beings, and all things are connected to our natural environment, either directly or indirectly. This includes us as the human animal on this planet. It is our hope that our experiences will kindle those connections, whether within the individual themselves, between other people or to the natural environment. For us, it’s all about empowering people through impactful, hands-on experiences and of course, having fun!” (from the About section on their website)


Contact Renee

Two adventurous and happy women in Refuge Cove, British Columbia

Thanks for submitting!

Photo by Renee Baron

Map of British Columbia with an arrow pointing at Desolation Sound
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