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Adventure into Self: Finding Strength and Sisterhood in Change

AUGUST 22nd -29th, 2024



Early Bird Special!

$3147 + GST

**Cost goes up May 1st $500!**

The Wild Woman Awakening is limited to 10 women.

Not sure if this trip is for you?

Make an appointment to chat with Renee HERE.


Place your NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $500 CAN below.

Refer below for payment schedule.

 Payment Schedule

A $500 deposit is required at time of registration. All deposits are non-refundable.  


The trip must be paid in full by May 30th, 2024.


Any cancellation made between June 1st, 2024, and July 22nd (inclusive) will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price.  

Any cancellation made between July 23rd and the trip’s departure will result in a total loss of funds. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if we do so your deposit is refunded in full). Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended whenever making travel plans. 

Heart made of sea shells on the beach


  • 8 incredible days together, 2 nights in shared cabins at the Powell Lake Outdoor Center & 5 nights wilderness camping in tents in the Desolation Sound and surrounding area.

  • 2 pre-trip virtual meetings to meet your hostesses, fellow sisters and address any journey related questions

  • Private What’s App group

  • 1 post-trip virtual meeting 

  • 7 beautiful breakfasts

  • 6 lovely lunches

  • 7 delightful dinners

  • Group gear

Camping Gear

  • We provide high quality three season tents. For couples we provide three person tents, and for solo travelers a slightly smaller 2 person tent.

  • Sleeping pad

  • Warm mummy-style sleeping bags with liners (you may bring your own)

  • Mess kit 

Paddling Gear

  • Stable single and double fiberglass kayaks and lightweight carbon/vinyl paddles

  • PFD (life jacket) and all the necessary kayaking and safety equipment 

  • 2 dry bags


  • A small library of natural history books is on every trip.

  • Rubber chicken. 

  • Extensive first aid kit

  • Camping fees 

Sunset on the ocean
Two wild women setting up a tarp together in the forest
Woman reading a book on the beach
Rubber chicken hiding in the hatch of a sea kayak

Photo by Renee Baron


  • Personal clothing and items which are found in the packing list

  • We do not provide any transport from your home to Powell Lake Outdoor Center, nor do we provide airport transfers. 

  • We do not currently provide transport from Powell Lake Outdoor Center to Lund and back. The goal is to carpool. This may change if carpooling isn’t an option.

  • Alcoholic beverages. If you chose to enjoy a nice glass of wine at the end of your paddling day, we ask that you consume responsibly. We have zero tolerance for alcohol consumption prior/during paddling. 

  • Travel insurance for accidents or emergency evacuation is not provided; we recommend you purchase a policy before leaving home. 

  • The trip price does not include guide gratuities; should you feel that the service was exemplary, it is always appreciated.


It's all about staying connected!


This on-line call will not only serve as an opportunity to meet your hosts and fellow paddlers but also give you greater insight into the intentions and expectations of the Wild Woman Awakening. It is also a great venue for addressing trip related questions.



This is another opportunity to check-in with Renee and ask any lingering questions.


To stay in touch before and after the trip, access up-to-date info... and of course swap photos.


One of the hardest things about adventures like these is reintegration, returning to the “normal” world. By setting up a time to reconnect with each other we are committing to taking the many gifts received and moving them forward into our present lives. The goal is to keep this community alive by creating space to reflect, goal set, and continue learning. Just like the name of the journey conveys, this is a Wild Woman Awakening, a never ending adventure of transformation.

Two women holding hands in solidarity


 Frequently Asked Questions


How many guests and guides are on the tour?

The Wild Woman Awakening Sea Kayak expedition has a minimum of 7 guests and a maximum of 10 with two guides.


What are the guides’ qualifications and how long have they been guiding?

Both sea kayak guides are certified with the Sea Kayak Guides Alliance of British Columbia and employed by Terracentric Coastal Adventures. Renee is a Level 2 Lead guide and has been in the industry since 2012. She is confident that her chosen co-guide, like her, will safely lead and professionally instruct with confidence, knowledge, and kindness.


I don’t have much kayaking experience. Can I still join the adventure?

Our Wild Woman Awakening adventure is suitable for beginners with a sense of adventure. If you have a good baseline of fitness and a willingness to learn then you should be good to go. I always recommend taking a local beginners course in order to make the learning curve less steep. 


Kayaking aside, you must be comfortable with wilderness camping in tents, taking care of bio needs outdoors, and being physically active throughout the day. You must be willing to help carry boats, move gear, and play an active role in the daily routines of a sea kayak adventure.


I have certain dietary preferences, restrictions, or allergies. Can I be accommodated?


Setting you up with wholesome hearty meals is very important to us. The effort that goes into planning, organizing, and executing our wilderness menus is quite extensive. We will do our best to accommodate dietary restrictions but it is important that you understand that amendments add to planning complexity and additional costs. Below are some of the common restrictions we can accommodate and any additional costs associated with it that you will be charged.


No red meat – no additional cost

No seafood  – no additional cost

Vegetarian – no additional cost

Vegan, gluten and lactose intolerant  + $15/day

If you have dietary restrictions not listed above (for example, you hate onions and are unwilling to pick around them in a meal), or have allergies or medical conditions (like celiac disease, egg, soy or peanut allergies) that prevent certain foods from being enjoyed by other guests on the trip, please contact our office to discuss whether we can accommodate your needs.

Some dietary needs that we cannot accommodate include nightshade allergies (potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers) or keto and paleo diets.

What are the age restrictions?

This is a trip focused on women in their middle years. 


How do I deal with my moon cycle while on trip?

Depending on what you use during your menstrual cycle, keep in mind that any waste will need to be packed out. I suggest using a ziploc and paper bag combo. I put the waste into the paper bag and then add it to a zip lock bag to manage odors. Bring a couple of each so that you have extras if needed. I am also a big fan of wet wipes and personal hand sanitizer for hygiene purposes. 

I personally use a menstrual cup which, although a bit messy when cleaning, reduces waste. I will dump it out on the ocean’s edge, use fresh water and/ or wet wipes from my water bottle to rinse the cup off and proceed as normal.


What are the toilets like?

Unless there is an out-house, we use the intertidal area for low impact toilet use. There are limited or no facilities in the areas we visit. At the beginning of the trip you will be given an individual ziploc bag with a toilet roll and a number of brown paper bags in which to store your paper waste. 

What equipment is provided?

Please refer to the What’s Included List.


Can I request to paddle a double or single kayak for the entire tour?

In general, we ask guests to move between singles and doubles throughout the journey. That said, if you would like to be in a double for the whole trip, then we can certainly accommodate this. Unfortunately, we can’t promise this for singles.


What do I need to pack?

Please refer to the packing list sent to you upon registration.


Will I be able to charge my camera batteries?

You will need to bring your own extra batteries.

Where can I park my vehicle when on tour?

You can leave it parked at the Powell Lake Outdoor Center.


Where can I leave my extra luggage when on tour?

You can leave your luggage at the Powell Lake Outdoor Center.

dietary need go
Bald eagle perched on a tree branch
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